Friday, January 21, 2011


real world experience?

growing up in church culture all these years is both a privilege and a sheltered world. Privilege cuz growing up in God's house.. Of cuz privilege la!

But ultra sheltered and me being me, with my family shelter too, it stuns my growth in many other areas too.

Had dinner with kel, celest, kest. Closest church friends for the past 3years of this life's season. Thankful for kel who initiated. And the fellowship and the teaching tips and the insights.

Got home and thought... How much of the real working world experience should i experience? I've never done so, and now i'm going straight into social sector and still within the shelteredness of the christian industry.

Do i need some real working life experience before i'm able to understand the struggles?
Won't just being faithful be enough? Won't living the called life be enough? God i don't know. But i do want to be faithful and live your called life.
God in my sheltered life, always be my shelter, knowing that taking risks is not gonna sabo things, and my plans, but staying faithful is more important.

Even my thinking is not critical enough. I still can't think sharply. God if You called me here.. Help me to see you daily. Let my life be an outflow to kids and to ppl around. Cuz You have loved me so very much.

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