Thursday, December 22, 2005


1.) Is gambling morally wrong?

Gambling might not be morally wrong. However, the motives behind gambling, the great tendency to be addicted, and those ills associated with gambling addictions probably are.

Gambling, in itself, without any, ill motives, is harmless. Why so? it is just entertainment. HOWEVER, most, if not all the time, people in the hope that they could be able to win some extra cash. This hope, stems from the ills of humankind. GREED. The wanting of more...more... more.

These motives, like greed, will lead to the person wanting more, thus making the gambler betting more,
getting addicted (which will cause the gambler to get money using bad ways),
having a deeper debt,
hoping to strike it rich by gambling to clear his/her debts
which will give him/her an even deeper debt.

and the vicious cycle continues.

Gambling in itself might not be morally wrong, it is entertainment. However, it should not be used as an excuse to continue on being an addict to mammon. The ills associated with gambling, are definitely morally wrong.
Personally, i do not gamble, even tho just for entertainment, because knowing the tendency to be addicted, i refuse to start.
2) What are the reasons why gambling is often discouraged in society?
Society frowns on gambling, because seeing all the ills and badness that can result, gambling will be seen as bad.
We see families broken, due to debts that can't be repaid.
We see lives crushed, because addiction and greed has become their life.
We see people living each day in the hope of getting more money.
Money, greed has becomes their world.

Because we do not want anyone in our families, our loved ones or the next generation, wasting a life to gambling.

3) Who are the main gainers in the gambling industry? Who suffer most? Who will get richer through gambling - the rich or the poor?

Those who actually gain from all the gambling, are those collecting the money. The 'bookies' of the void deck, the operators of the casinos, and maybe even the Singapore Pools where hoardes buy various lotteries.
These are the ones who are at the top of these managements. They need not necessarily place their own bets, but yet their money pours in, through the cash of those who HAD place their bets.

Which makes all who place their bets the losers (whether or not they won the bet). As they have lost some of their hard-earned money to something worthless, and given their money to someone else who does need to toil to get that amount of money.

Who will get richer?
in my opinion, neither the richer nor the poorer will get richer. why? it will remain status quo whether a beggar or a tycoon wins a bet, as the fact is that the richer guy will still remain much richer than the poor.....
But... the poor will get poorer, if he keeps on betting, and betting.
Because the chances of winning, be it in card games, lottery or roulette, are ALWAYS AGAINST YOU!

4.) Gambling often leads to addiction. Do you agree?
Like in Part 1, gambling in itself does not lead to addiction, but the greed of all mankind. I believe mankind is born sinful, and needs redemption, and thus, greed will definitely be a human tendency, though morally incorrect.
When one starts to gamble, there will be this sense of hope in each one to win. Not only win that round, but some cash.

And though we may lose, we continue hoping. Hoping one fine day, that we will win some money. Greed fuels this hope.
And if we do win, we will feel delighted. BUT...
Greed drives us to bet more. Hoping to win some MORE money.

Soon, we cannot live without gambling. We just cannot get rid of the urge to.
We have become addicted...
Which will cause us much debt, much despair, much anger etc.... And those around us suffer together with us, as we become more and more frustrated. Causing everyone in our paths, misery. And those, whom we have cause misery, will cause misery to everyone on THEIR paths
Those around us. Our families, our friends, our spouses, our neighbours, etc... ...
and those around them... ...

Gambling causes minimal impact to society?
Nicodemus Ching
DCP 1A22

Hi Nicodemus,
U certainly hold a strong view. But LKY says that gambling is in the blood of the chinese. We like to gamble on anything.
Is buying shares gambling?
When u buy a HDB flat, aren't we gambling hoping that the price will rise and not drop?

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